All-Inclusive Ecommerce Website Audits From Certified Experts

With over 14 years of expertise in the eCommerce realm, our certified auditing specialists have carried out laser-precision assessments for 1000+ websites across the globe.

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Why Third-Party Expert Audits Matter

Developer’s Myopia is real.You need a different eye to spot what’s missing.

A third-party perspective from experts will help you solve the missing puzzle piece faster

It’s easy for you and your team to become immersed in the day-to-day intricacies of development and maintenance tasks, inadvertently overlooking errors.

Our audits provide a third-party perspective from an external viewpoint, breathing new life into your business through refreshing dimensions, unbiased evaluation of your eCommerce ecosystem, and meticulous assessments.

Premium Audits Laser-Precision Insights Unlimited Growth

Technical SEO

Crawlability, Indexing, Mobile-friendliness, Schema Markup.

On-page SEO

Keyword Targeting, Title Tags & Meta Descriptions, Content Optimization, Internal Linking.

Backlink Analysis

Quality and quantity of backlinks, anchor text distribution, spammy links.

Keyword Research & Targeting

Identifying relevant keywords, search intent, keyword competition.

Local SEO (if applicable)

Google My Business Optimization, Local Citations.

Competitive Analysis

Comparing Your SEO Performance with Competitors

User Interface (UI)

Visual Design, Usability, Navigation, Information Architecture.

User Experience (UX)

User Flow & Journey Mapping, Accessibility, User Engagement.

Content & Messaging

Clarity, Readability, Value Proposition.

Mobile Responsiveness

User Experience on Mobile Devices.

Branding Consistency

Brand message alignment across all design elements.

Desktop Performance

Analyzing Page Load Times on Desktop Devices.

Mobile Performance

Analyzing Page Load Times on Mobile Devices.

Core Web Vitals Analysis

Assessing Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).

Image Optimization

Optimizing Images for Faster Load Times.

Caching & Compression Strategies

Leveraging Technologies for Improved Page Speed.

Third-Party Integration Impact

Assessment of the impact of third-party scripts on page speed.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

Measurement and optimization for LCP speed.

First Input Delay (FID)

Identifying and reducing interactive delays.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Minimizing layout shifts to improve user experience.

Mobile-Specific Analysis

Evaluating Core Web Vitals specifically for mobile devices.

Marketing Strategy Assessment

Alignment with business goals, target audience analysis, and marketing channels used.

Marketing Channels Analysis

Effectiveness of different marketing channels (e.g., email marketing, social media).

Marketing Budget & ROI

Cost-Effectiveness of Different Marketing Initiatives.

Marketing Analytics & Reporting

Effectiveness of tracking and reporting marketing efforts.

Target Audience Analysis

Understanding Your Ideal Customer.

Platform Performance Analysis

Engagement metrics across different social media platforms.

Content Strategy

Effectiveness of content strategy for each platform.

Paid Media ROI

Performance of paid social ads, targeting effectiveness, return on ad spend (ROAS).

Competitive Analysis

Comparison of your social media presence with competitors in the industry.

Seasonal Marketing Strategy

Evaluating Plans for Marketing & Promotions During Holidays.

Promotional Planning

Planning of promotions and offers for upcoming holidays.

Website & Landing Page Optimization

Optimizing Pages for Holiday Shopping Experience.

Email Marketing Strategy

Targeted email marketing campaigns for holiday promotions.

Social Media Strategy

Leveraging social media for holiday engagement and promotions.

Post-Holiday Follow-up Strategy

Engaging with Customers After Holiday Season Sales.

Content Inventory & Mapping

Assessing Existing Content Volume and Relevance.

Content Performance Analysis

Evaluating Content Engagement Metrics.

Content Gaps & Opportunities

Identifying Areas for New Content Creation.

Content Optimization Strategies

Improving Existing Content for Search Engines and Users.

Content Repurposing Opportunities

Maximizing Value by Repurposing Content Across Different Format.

Conversion Funnel Analysis

Identifying Leakages in the Conversion Process.

Product Page Optimization

Enhancing Conversion Rates on Product Pages.

Call to Action (CTA) Effectiveness

Clarity, placement, and design of CTAs.

Analytics & Data Analysis

Using data to identify opportunities for conversion improvement.

User Testing

Gathering feedback from users about the conversion experience.

Platform Performance Analysis

Engagement metrics across different social media platforms.

Content Strategy

Effectiveness of content strategy for each platform.

Paid Media ROI

Performance of paid social ads, targeting effectiveness, return on ad spend (ROAS).

Competitive Analysis

Comparison of your social media presence with competitors in the industry.

Seasonal Marketing Strategy

Evaluating Plans for Marketing & Promotions During Holidays.

Promotional Planning

Planning of promotions and offers for upcoming holidays.

Website & Landing Page Optimization

Optimizing Pages for Holiday Shopping Experience.

Email Marketing Strategy

Targeted email marketing campaigns for holiday promotions.

Social Media Strategy

Leveraging social media for holiday engagement and promotions.

Post-Holiday Follow-up Strategy

Engaging with Customers After Holiday Season Sales.

Premium Audits At Freemium Plans

One Time Audit

One-time audit

What’s Included?

Includes 1 audit of your choice

Consultation & 1:1 Support
  • One-time walkthrough
Reports & Insights
  • Actionable insights
  • Next-best steps
Implementation Support
  • Limited Implementation Support
Dedicated Account Manager
  • N/A

Monthly Audits

Renews every month.Cancel Anytime

What’s Included?

Choose up to 3 audits from our curated list

Consultation & 1:1 Support
  • One-time audit report walkthrough
  • 3 on-demand follow-up sessions
  • 5 hours of free consultation with our domain experts
Reports & Insights
  • Actionable insights
  • Next-best steps
  • Industry-specific recommendations
Implementation Support
  • Extensive Implementation Support
Dedicated Account Manager
  • N/A
Per month

Quarterly Audits

Renews every quarter.Cancel Anytime

What’s Included?

Choose up to 5 audits from our curated list

Consultation & 1:1 Support
  • One-time audit report walkthrough
  • 5 on-demand follow-up sessions
  • 7 hours of free consultation with our domain experts
Reports & Insights
  • Actionable insights
  • Next-best steps
  • Industry-specific recommendations
  • Account-based forecast
Implementation Support
  • 5 Hours of Dedicated Implementation Support From Experts
Dedicated Account Manager
  • N/A
Every quarter

Premium Custom Audit with 24/7 Monitoring

Customize your plan

What’s Included?

Covers all of our curated audits listed below

Consultation & 1:1 Support
  • Unlimited on-demand sessions including
  • Walkthroughs
  • Follow-ups
  • Consultations with domain experts
Reports & Insights
  • Actionable insights
  • Next-best steps
  • Industry-specific recommendations
  • Account-based forecast
  • Customized revenue growth roadmap
Implementation Support
  • Customized Hours of Implementation Support From Experts
Dedicated Account Manager
  • N/A
Request Custom Price

Let’s Audit Your Website For Success!

Top 5 Reasons to audit your website at frequent intervals:

  • Stay Secure: Catch security gaps before hackers do.
  • Boost Performance: Fix slow loading times and broken links.
  • Top SEO: Adapt to search engine changes for higher ranking.
  • Seamless Mobile Experience: Make sure your site looks great on all devices.
  • Track User Experience: Identify areas to make your website easier to use.
“It all started off with an Audit!”

“I knew my team was doing a good job. But the idea of an expert third-party audit sounded good, and I decided to give it a try. Their detailed website assessment was really a bunch of shocking revelations combined with surefire insights. The audit report shed light on the significance of what we thought to be trivial until then, and interestingly, fixing those loose joints tightened our conversion pipeline. We implemented those suggestions one after the other, and results started pouring in. Now we have our own secret sauce for eCommerce success.”

Founder of Gifts Catholic

Month-over-month growth in new visitors
Increase in website sales within 45 days




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Don’t let bugs and errors slip through the cracks Fix them right away with our expert audit